April 2025
Ask Google, Yahoo!
Greetings from the road, although my travels are almost over. But while I'm traveling, I've decided to have a (decidedly odd) contest. Remember the mnemonic devices for memorizing the planets of our solar system, back before Pluto got demoted? (My Very Earnest Mother Just Served Us Nine Pickles = Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto.)
- Imagine that you are the child of an irascible classics professor who has an emphatic preference for the names of Greek gods over Roman ones.
- Furthermore imagine that your dad is so cracked that he insists on calling Earth "Gaia."
- And keep in mind that, among the original names, one does hark back to Greek mythology.
- Now create your own mnemonic device for memorizing this transposed solar system. (Dang, I feel like Will Shortz.) I won't promise to use the best one, by my very subjective standards, in the book-in-progress, but there will be a prize for the one I like best -- a free unabridged audio version of ANOTHER THING TO FALL. And, yes, I'm well aware that I haven't supplied the Greek names. Do a little homework, y'all.
The news from the road has been mainly good. ATTF hit the New York Times list on March 30, so I am officially not a one-hit wonder. What the Dead Know proved to be the little engine that could, debuting on the Times mass market paperback list at #19, falling off the printed list, then zooming back to #10 as of April 6th, returning to #19 on the 13th. I'm told that's proof of strong word-of-mouth, so thank you to those who said nice things.
WTDK also got nominated for some things -- the Strand Award, and the Gumshoe, and earned second place, after John Connnolly's The UNQUIET, in votes cast by Crimespree readers.
