January News
And, for real, the winner is...
Susan Robinette was the winner of the first contest sponsored here at lauralippman.com. She not only answered several Poe-related trivia questions, she unearthed a boneheaded error in the text of "In a Strange City." For this she received a signed copy of "Murderers' Row" and -- much more exciting -- a Roberto Clemente bobble-head still in the box.
The Real Turtle Soup
And for those of you who are curious -- the Poe Toaster did, in fact, return to Edgar Allan Poe's original gravesite this year on Poe's birthday, Jan. 19th, leaving behind his usual tribute of three red roses and a half bottle of cognac. This marks the 53rd appearance of Poe's most devoted fan(s). I also learned something I didn't know before -- the Toaster and Jeff Jerome, who watches for the visit every year, have a secret signal so Jerome knows that the visitor is, to quote Cole Porter, the real turtle soup and not merely the mock.
I'll be appearing with Lauren Henderson Feb. 20th in New York, Feb. 22nd at the Mystery Bookstore in Washington D.C. and Feb. 23rd at Mystery Loves Company in Baltimore. Lauren is touring for the U.S. version of "Chained." Personally, I can't wait for Lauren's books, so I treat myself to the U.K editions. I'm already up to "Pretty Boy." I also own the hard-to-find "Dead White Female" and "Too Many Blondes." Not that I'm gloating or anything.
Read past News from December.