August 2025
Gone Writing
Go away, I'm writing.
Amuse yourself here.
Which I found out about from this blogger, a daily must-read -- if you're not writing.
Whose blogroll reminds me to check in here for the "rewinds" of Freaks and Geeks. Which I used to read as soon as they were posted, but right now - I'm writing.
Once you stop by Sepinwall's, it's hard not to go next door for some more cultural sugar. Ingmar Bergman and Michaelangelo Antonioni are dead. I'll read all the obits when I'm no longer writing.
While I'm in the neighborhood, I often circle back to visit one of Sepinwall's Star-Ledger colleagues, Wallace Stroby. However, a naked lawman guided me to this lovely essay. Of course, that was before I was writing.
Which reminds me: How many days, hours, minutes until When One Man Dies comes out? Click here, and you'll get a counter . . . for Rutgers football.
(I'm beginning to think this entry should be called Garden State. It reeks of New Jersey.)
Finally, if I weren't writing, I'm afraid I might be here, courting a serious relapse of carpal tunnel.
But, in case you haven't heard -- I'm writing. As of today, I am almost 40 percent of the way into the fourth draft and I hope to finish by Labor Day. See you in September.

Obligatory News Update
Baltimore magazine has named me the city's best writer for 2025. (Important context: Anne Tyler didn't have a book out this year.) No Good Deeds has been nominated for an Anthony. "Pony Girl," my story in New Orleans Noir, has been chosen for Ed Gorman's annual anthology. Speaking of short stories -- looking for a handy, dandy all-in-one Lippman short story collection? You're not? Well, it looks like there's going to be one next year. But first, Another Thing to Fall, the 10th Tess Monaghan novel, will be published in March. AS LONG AS I KEEP WRITING.
