Comments on: For Fat Girls, We Don’t Sweat Much Bestselling, award winning author Tue, 24 Apr 2025 09:28:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: bluesky bluesky Tue, 24 Apr 2025 01:33:45 +0000 Et?en dehors de la?réalité?que personne ne remarquera?aucune preuve?de la France?Abercrombie<a href="" rel="nofollow">?jamais?avoir vendu?un pantalonavec le nom?incriminé,?la pièce?ultime de la preuve?se trouve dansla description?du pantalon,?qui se lit:?"Abercrombie and Fitchcomplètdasf vce?a été?d'attirer?les jeunes?marché à?la meilleureextent.They?sont?en amour avec ces?marchandises,?car ilsconviennent parfaitement à?leur raison?appearance.The?de succès de?A & F, c'est que?le dévouement, que vous?pourrez voir?dans sacouture,?dessins,?détaillant,?contrasting.It?tissu et la couleur?porte une attention?sur le détail?toutes les?et chacun des?vêtements et des accessoires.?" Et?en dehors de la?réalité?que personne ne remarquera?aucune preuve?de la France?Abercrombie?jamais?avoir vendu?un pantalonavec le nom?incriminé,?la pièce?ultime de la preuve?se trouve dansla description?du pantalon,?qui se lit:?”Abercrombie and Fitchcomplètdasf vce?a été?d’attirer?les jeunes?marché à?la meilleureextent.They?sont?en amour avec ces?marchandises,?car ilsconviennent parfaitement à?leur raison?appearance.The?de succès de?A & F, c’est que?le dévouement, que vous?pourrez voir?dans sacouture,?dessins,?détaillant,?contrasting.It?tissu et la couleur?porte une attention?sur le détail?toutes les?et chacun des?vêtements et des accessoires.?”

By: bluesky bluesky Tue, 24 Apr 2025 01:23:46 +0000 Et?en dehors de la?réalité?que personne ne remarquera?aucune preuve?de la France?Abercrombie<a href="" rel="nofollow">?jamais?avoir vendu?un pantalonavec le nom?incriminé,?la pièce?ultime de la preuve?se trouve dansla description?du pantalon,?qui se lit:?"Abercrombie and Fitchcomplète?a été?d'attirer?les jeunes?marché à?la meilleureextent.They?sont?en amour avec ces?marchandises,?car ilsconviennent parfaitement à?leur raison?appearance.The?de succès de?A & F, c'est que?le dévouement, que vous?pourrez voir?dans sacouture,?dessins,?détaillant,?contrasting.It?tissu et la couleur?porte une attention?sur le détail?toutes les?et chacun des?vêtements et des accessoires.?" Et?en dehors de la?réalité?que personne ne remarquera?aucune preuve?de la France?Abercrombie?jamais?avoir vendu?un pantalonavec le nom?incriminé,?la pièce?ultime de la preuve?se trouve dansla description?du pantalon,?qui se lit:?”Abercrombie and Fitchcomplète?a été?d’attirer?les jeunes?marché à?la meilleureextent.They?sont?en amour avec ces?marchandises,?car ilsconviennent parfaitement à?leur raison?appearance.The?de succès de?A & F, c’est que?le dévouement, que vous?pourrez voir?dans sacouture,?dessins,?détaillant,?contrasting.It?tissu et la couleur?porte une attention?sur le détail?toutes les?et chacun des?vêtements et des accessoires.?”

By: Laura Lippman Laura Lippman Tue, 03 Apr 2025 20:24:04 +0000 Michael, this is a particularly tough dilemma. Under some time constraints today and can't replay as thoughtfully as I might, but perhaps later this week. Michael, this is a particularly tough dilemma. Under some time constraints today and can’t replay as thoughtfully as I might, but perhaps later this week.

By: Michael from HMB Michael from HMB Tue, 03 Apr 2025 00:55:13 +0000 When I taught English to high school students in the 60's, through the 90's in Maryland I also sensed that male students looked at fiction by women writers as indeed "one soft, undifferentiated mass that has little to do with them." After many comments from teenage boys about having to read "girls' books" by Austen, Bronte, etc. I saw that change when I taught Kate Chopin's The Awakening. Certainly the growing feminist movement was part of it, but for the first time I began to hear male students say that they clearly understood why their female classmates were both moved and angered by this novel. When I taught English to high school students in the 60′s, through the 90′s in Maryland I also sensed that male students looked at fiction by women writers as indeed “one soft, undifferentiated mass that has little to do with them.” After many comments from teenage boys about having to read “girls’ books” by Austen, Bronte, etc. I saw that change when I taught Kate Chopin’s The Awakening. Certainly the growing feminist movement was part of it, but for the first time I began to hear male students say that they clearly understood why their female classmates were both moved and angered by this novel.

By: Laura Lippman Laura Lippman Mon, 02 Apr 2025 21:07:22 +0000 Yes, Megan is another writer I should have name-checked, along with Gillian Flynn, many others. Wolitzer made a lot of good points. I think she could have made them without being so adamant about which writers she needed to exclude. Yes, Megan is another writer I should have name-checked, along with Gillian Flynn, many others.

Wolitzer made a lot of good points. I think she could have made them without being so adamant about which writers she needed to exclude.

By: Diane Diane Mon, 02 Apr 2025 20:13:42 +0000 WOrdpress seems to have eaten the start of my comment. It was supposed to read "I though of you (and Jennifer Weiner..." WOrdpress seems to have eaten the start of my comment. It was supposed to read “I though of you (and Jennifer Weiner…”

By: Diane Diane Mon, 02 Apr 2025 20:12:00 +0000 you (and Jennifer Weiner and Jodi Picoult) when I read the Wolitzer piece yesterday). As I was reading it, I was generally agreeing but also had a feeling of quiet unease that I of course did could not identify. I think you did. you (and Jennifer Weiner and Jodi Picoult) when I read the Wolitzer piece yesterday). As I was reading it, I was generally agreeing but also had a feeling of quiet unease that I of course did could not identify. I think you did.

By: Bryon Quertermous Bryon Quertermous Mon, 02 Apr 2025 19:47:06 +0000 You are a genre of your own now because when I first read the summary of Megan Abbott's first contemporary novel I thought, "Hey, she's writing a Laura Lippman novel." Of course now you've gone and written a Megan Abbott novel just to be screwy. You are a genre of your own now because when I first read the summary of Megan Abbott’s first contemporary novel I thought, “Hey, she’s writing a Laura Lippman novel.”

Of course now you’ve gone and written a Megan Abbott novel just to be screwy.
